writes, "In order to restore the Christian Church and place it where it was in my humble opinion is;
1. Recognize that the office of the Pastor is the highest calling in the land and he and his family are always under attack from the adversary.
2. If you have done something to harm him or his family through deed or gossip, go to him and ask for forgiveness and tell him you would like to make a fresh start.
3. Keep him and his family bathed in prayer. And remember they are human just like you and I.
4. Be faithful in attendance and serve in some capacity according to your gift.
5. And remember we are going to need each other moreso in the coming days as in the days of Noah.
If your heart is burdened for your Pastor, don't be afraid to say I love you to him and his family.

It seems the Church has lost its way, Christians have lost their First Love and seems to be more about preferences rather then convictions, families have lost their compassion for each other, friends have lost the real meaning of loyalty and sin has caused all of the above. The world seems its getting churchy and the Church seems to be getting worldly. Revival will take place only in each individual and nothing will change until it does. It's up to you and I, there will come a time when we will really reap what we have sewed.

-- admin, Apr 23, 2024 06:05am

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