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writes, "I hope you know there is nothing you have done so bad in your life that can't be forgiven by God the Father. I use to think there is no way, but then one day he sought after and found me. Someone explained to me how much he loved me by sending his Son to pay for mine and your sins, so we could be forgiven and change our lives. It happened to me, and that doesn't mean I became perfect as I lose many battles but through him (Jesus Christ) who sits at the right hand of God making Intercessory for my prayer and has given me many victories that would probably have killed me at an early age. I wasn't a perfect Dad, nor friend, but my kids turned out successful and got to lead many of them and my friends to the Lord (Only through the Holy Spirit)
So if you are thinking your life doesn't matter, remember what price was paid for you and you are here for a purpose. You have a value and can be used in so many ways for the Glory of the Kingdom.
Would you repeat this prayer and when you do, mean it from your heart?
God, forgive me of my sins and thank you for sending your Son to pay for them. Jesus Christ, come into my heart and save me. Make me a changed person and let me be a witness to all my friends and family, in Jesus name - AMEN!
You can now eliminate when asked; are you going to Heaven when you leave out of here and your reply would be I hope so. Now you will be able to respond - I know so!
God Bless you and if you accepted Christ just now, please be a witness and respond, It' now the beginning.


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